RLSS UK Pool Trainer Course - Ormskirk
30/11/2019 - 05/12/2020
8:30 pm - 5:45 pm
Venue: Park Pool, Ormskirk, Lancashire
Venue Phone: 07883071220
Venue Website: https://www.westlancsleisure.com/park-pool/
Address:Event Phone: 07883071220
What does it involve?
To become a Pool Lifeguard Trainer Assessor, you will have to attend a course.
If successful on the course you will leave as a Probationary RLSS UK Trainer Assessor for AED and the qualification you have selected. The probationary period is a maximum of two years from course completion and you will be supported by a National Trainer Assessor or a Mentor.
Course Pre-Requisites
Every candidate attending a Trainer Assessor course must:
- Be 18 years of age,
- Be a member of the Royal Life Saving Society UK and
- Hold a full Qualification for the specialised course (e.g. if you are attendi)ng a course to be a National Pool Lifeguard Qualification Trainer Assessor you will need to hold a current National Pool Lifeguard Qualification
Course Content
The Trainer Assessor Pool Lifeguard course five days The course will comprise of four modules:
- Train the Trainer (1 day)
- Train the Assessor (1 day)
- CPR and AED (1 day)
- National Pool Lifeguard Qualification Trainer Assessor (2 days)
The courses also include the RLSS Trainer Assessor PXB Bolt On.
Once successfully achieved probationary trainer assessor status you need to deliver a lifeguard course and be mentored conducting a pool lifeguard assessment.