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RLSS UK Aquatic Therapy Pool Rescue Award (ATPRA) -FULL

RLSS UK Aquatic Therapy Pool Rescue Award (ATPRA) -FULL
  • Aquatic Therapy Pool Rescue Award (ATPRA)
     10/03/2024 - 31/01/2026
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Event Phone: Call Now 07883 071 220

About the Aquatic Therapy Pool Rescue Award (ATPRA)

The ATPRA is a pool supervision and rescue award for aquatic therapists and support workers working during programmed activities. It is suitable for those working in a variety of pools, including where the water is deeper than your standing depth.

ATPRA Course Prerequisites

The ATPRA course is open to anyone who is 16 years of age or older at the date of assessment and be able to:

  • Swim a minimum of 25 metres on your front and back
  • Surface dive to the deepest part of the pool
  • Climb out unaided without using steps or ladders (where venue design permits)

Course Content

The ATPRA course is 12 hours plus assessment and is deliverable in two days.

Topics covered during the course include

  • Module 1 – The Therapist, Risk Assessment and Pool Safety
  • Module 2 – Intervention, Rescue and Emergency Action
  • Module 3 – CPR & First Aid


Additionally you can included the following qualifications

Level 2 Automated External  Defibrillation  (AED) qualification – additional  1.5 hours

Level 3  Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)  qualification –  additional 1 hours

Assessment Process

Assessment for the ATPRA takes place at the end of the course. It determines your knowledge and understanding of the principles of working in a shallow water pool and assesses your ability to apply the skills and knowledge in a work-related environment.

The assessment is split into three sections:

  • Practical pool assessment
  • Theory Assessment – verbal question and answer session with the assessor
  • Practical First Aid & CPR assessment – Adult ,Child & Baby

When the candidate fails they must be reassessed on the whole of the relevant section or sections they were unsuccessful in, candidates have 28 days to complete the sections which they failed.