Fire Safety Online L2
20/01/2021 - 20/06/2030
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Venue: ATN Online - Virtual Classroom
Venue Phone: Call Today 07883071220
Venue Website: https://www.activetrainingnetwork.com/
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) requires the ‘responsible person’ (employer, occupier or owner) to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and ensure safe escape for both employees and visitors. The FSO requires the responsible person to:
- ensure all employees are provided with adequate safety training at the time they are first employed and on being exposed to new and increased risks.
- appoint one or more ‘competent persons’ to assist with fire safety in the workplace, and provide them with sufficient training to remain effective in reducing the risks from fire hazards.
- make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the fire risks in the workplace to which relevant persons are exposed, for the purpose of identifying general fire precautions.
Who should attend
This qualification is for anyone who has a specific responsibility for fire safety in the workplace. It is suitable to:
- Qualify fire wardens/fire marshals
- Provide a foundation of fire safety knowledge on which employers and ‘responsible persons’ can build
- Increase the fire safety knowledge of all employee
Before you start…
You’ll need to make sure you’ve met the following requirements before you attend your course:
- Learners must be at least 14 years old on the first day of the training.
- There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise that Learners have a minimum of Level 1 in literacy or numeracy or equivalent.
Course Overview
The content of the course covers:
- Understand the hazards and risks associated with fire in the workplace
- Understand how fire risk is controlled in the workplace
- Understand the principles and practice of fire safety management at work
- Understand the role of the nominated fire warden
Course Duration : 6 hours (One Day)
Assessment Process
- Continual assessment by the tutor
- Demonstrating Underpinning knowledge by Multiple Choice, Work Sheets or Question & Answers
Qualification Expiry/ Requalification
How to re-qualify:
Qualification is valid for three years, candidates will be required complete the course again.
Qualification Download QA_Centre_Marketing_-_L2_Fire_Safety_Flyer